Hello out there, blogosphere. I think it’s been more than a month since we’ve talked, and we have soooo much to catch up on. I’ve just been busy, is all. It’s summertime, and Wisconsin winter is so long that in summer, I feel an urgency about showing up for camping, grilling, birding, frisbee, gardening, etc.
But that’s no excuse—I’ve been a bad blogger, putting off writing until I had a perfect entry instead of dribbling out little entries here and there in my spare time. After all, ”Blog” stands for ”weB log;” blogs are supposed to be imperfect, like online journals.
So, a little entry today, just to say hello, and I’m thinking of you, and I’ll write more soon, I promise. I can’t wait to tell you about what’s been happening at the Department of Natural Resources: the charter proposal made the front page of the Isthmus a couple weeks ago. As for the Budget Repair Bill, which you might say sired this blog, that bill has finally been enacted… but not without controversy, including some apparent violence among Supreme Court justices!
And that brings me to my own life. As a state employee, my salary will be affected by the Budget Repair Bill, and I already only earn enough to get by—one reason I’m considering leaving the state Department of Natural Resources. Although that’s not what’s best for the state—I’m a pretty good employee, if I do say so myself—it might actually be what’s right for me.
Finally, my virtual friend, I can’t wait to tell you about what Ron and I have been cooking up with Scott and Carol, our conservative friends. We’ve begun to turn our little conversations into something bigger, something I hope will make a real change towards better dialogue in this state and country. Within a week or two, we should have an announcement to make together.
In short, life is very exciting, and I’ll try to be better about recording it here. Stay tuned!