I’ve been excited to make this announcement for months but have been waiting until all the pieces fell into place. Today it looks like that has finally happened! And so, I’m proud to announce Reach Out Wisconsin, a new organization dedicated to fostering understanding and respect in Wisconsin politics.
The leadership consists of myself, my boyfriend Ron, and Scott and Carol, our two friends who fall into the conservative camp. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make this organization a reality, and we’re thrilled that it’s coming together. You can check out our new website for details about us and our upcoming events; you can even “like” us on Facebook. 🙂
Reach Out Wisconsin will host monthly forums on current events, creating a friendly atmosphere where conservatives, liberals, and everyone in between can meet and mingle. This face-to-face conversation is the best way that we can really understand people who believe and vote differently from ourselves.
Our first forum will be on August 16th at 6 pm in the Madison area; the topic will be concealed carry, a hot issue in Wisconsin politics since we’ve just passed our concealed carry law. We’ll recruit local speakers who can speak for and against this law and answer questions. It’ll be a unique opportunity to talk and listen about concealed carry in a friendly, relaxed setting with people of differing perspectives.
I’m so excited about this. Ever since Scott, Carol, Ron and I began meeting for dinner and discussion, I’ve felt that what we were doing was special, fascinating, and healing for our country. So many people are curious about “the other side” but uncertain how to go about approaching them. We’re creating a space where we hope people can have more discussions like ours.
If you live in the area, I hope to see you at one of our forums!