We avoid “turning toward” because it’s challenging.
Positively Politics
My Takeaway From This Election: We Must Turn Toward Each Other
The “other side” isn’t going away.
Why I’m Listening to My Cousin Who Thinks Racism Has Ended
Respectful conversations are key to progress.
What I Learned from Talking to a Conservative About Privilege
Privilege is a responsibility, but not a cause for shame.
Why I’m Cautious About the Term “White Fragility”
It’s useful, but it often gets misused.
We’re In Danger, and So Are Our Hearts
In a national crisis, I worry that I’m losing my compassion and humanity.
Fear Of Offending Someone: The Worries Of A Quiet, Sensitive White Ally
The loudest voices sound confident, but they’re not always right.
The Case for Tending to White People’s Wounds
To heal racism, we need to honor white people’s feelings too.
What I Learned From Watching the RNC
No, really! I did learn things!
Riots Are Bad For Racial Justice… But How We Talk About Them Matters.
White people must be thoughtful when we talk about this.