Ellen’s friendship with George W. Bush isn’t just okay—it’s deeply moral.
Positively Politics
Compassionate Listening: A Wise and Tested Practice
This practice has helped transform many conflicts.
There’s a Time to Speak Up and a Time to Stay Quiet
Silence can be active or passive.
“Civility” Has Different Meanings. My Civility Isn’t Niceness.
On active vs. passive civility.
Why I Don’t (Fully) Blame the Oregon GOP for Walking Out
I once supported a walkout too.
Can Civil Dialogue Save Us From Rome’s Fate?
Partisan gridlock is not a new problem.
The Civility Movement is Underway!
People are listening and organizations are forming!
Take Heart: In Social Justice, Victory Is Never Permanent
The long view gives me strength.
Nourishing Politics
If I hope to stay engaged, I need to nourish my political soul.
My Liberal Patriotism
My patriotism is about much more than the flag or the anthem.