In the Trump era, how do I reconcile the need to fight with the need to be civil?
Positively Politics
Our Politics are Polarized…So What Do We Do Now?
That’s easy: support the civility movement!
Reflections on Life, Death, and Politics
What a year. Ron and I are now married…and my father has died.
We Can Heal Polarization by NOT Talking Politics
Avoiding tough topics can actually be healthy.
Others Saw a Good Parent; I Saw a Man With a Gun
My discomfort with guns made me miss a video’s message.
Strangers are Just Friends We Haven’t Met Yet
Most of us would grow to love each other, given enough time together.
Political Moderates are Being Left Out
They’re getting drowned out by the extremes.
One Small Comment Made Me See the Gulf Between Us
It’s jarring when we realize we’re not on the same page.
I’m Not Sure I Have What It Takes To Be a Peacemaker
For this empath, conflict is taking a toll.
If You Can’t Say Something Nice…
Incivility doesn’t persuade, and it makes us look bad.