In a divided Wisconsin, Governor Walker directed his State of the State Address to only half of his state.
Positively Politics
Reach Out Appears on WisconsinEye
This was a rare civil discussion of Walker’s State of the State address.
It’s Not Always Enough to “Agree to Disagree”
We need to discuss and explore our differences.
I Believe I Recall!
I think Governor Walker is going to be recalled!
What I’ve Learned This Year about Dialogue
Here are my tips for more productive political conversations.
More News and Radio Spots!
Apparently, respectful political dialogue is newsworthy!
Reach Out Wisconsin is Making Waves!
We keep getting mentioned in the press, and our forums are going great!
Putting the Gloves Back On
I want to be gentler on this blog from now on.
A New Dialogue About Abortion
What’s needed in the abortion debate is a new kind of dialogue—one more inclusive of the middle ground, where most Americans dwell.
Disappointed in the Democrats
It turns out liberals are the closed-minded ones.